

1-888-No-To-Drugs (or 1-888-668-6378) is a hotline for The Foundation for a Drug-Free World. The Foundation for a Drug-Free World is a nonprofit public benefit corporation that empowers youth and adults with a database full of facts and information about drugs and harmful substances so that they may make informed decisions that will hopefully lead to a drug-free life.

The hotline, and the foundation in general, seek to change the way that we talk to youth about drugs. Traditional methods to prevent drug use amongst young adults have involved lectures and scare tactics, which can come off as condescending and pushy, especially to a teen who is just starting to develop their desire for independence. Because of this, the foundation’s sole purpose is providing nothing but the truth with the goal of empowering youths to own their independence and make their own choices about their life and their body. The Foundation for a Drug-Free life provides a number you can call and a website where young adults can get factual information about the side effects and consequences of using drugs, and how it might affect their lives in the long-term.

Foundation for a Drug Free WorldIn addition, their Truth About Drugs campaign and E-Courses consist of activities that kids and teens of all ages can be a part of that popularize drug-free living. The materials and activities they promote help people in the United States and around the world learn about the destructive side effects of drugs to hopefully encourage them to stay away and instead choose a healthy lifestyle.

Anyone can visit their website and request to download their Truth About Drugs booklet. They also have other booklets with more in-depth information on specific drugs, such as The Truth About Heroin, The Truth About Alcohol, etc.