The Benefits of Support Groups

Often, those who are struggling with addiction can feel isolated and misunderstood. It is an important step to recovery that someone who is suffering from this chronic disease receives the support they need and deserve. Support groups, especially as part of a treatment program, can be widely beneficial to the recovery process. If you or…

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Understanding Drug Abuse: Addiction, Treatment, and Recovery

Drug abuse and addiction can be difficult to understand, especially if a loved one has been suffering. There are common misconceptions that surround drug abuse, making it a disease that is highly stigmatized. Through scientific research, more is known than ever before about the mental and physical effects this dangerous disease can pose. Drug addiction…

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How to Explain Alcoholism to a Child

There are millions of children that have alcoholic parents in the United States today. Often, children of those suffering from addiction could be feeling alone and isolated. They may feel like nobody could understand the pain they are going through. Children are all going through development processes that will help to shape them into adults….

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Are Celebrities and Artists More Vulnerable to Substance Abuse?

To be at your creative best, you need to put in an extensive amount of physical and emotional input. The topic of Celebrity Addiction has come up more and more over the last few years, as many of the artists we know and love are suffering from it. The fact that the creative and/or entertainment…

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How Does Social Media Influence Alcohol Use?

Social media has a heavy influence on most people’s lives. Social media provides excellent tools for keeping in contact with loved ones and sharing tidbits from everyday life. However, there are some dangerous concerns surrounding social media. Besides false realities and bullying, the alcohol and drinking culture the United States is experiencing is being propelled…

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What to Do if an Alcoholic Refuses Help

When help is offered, most alcoholics will turn it down. When an alcoholic refuses to get help for their addiction, their loved ones can often feel helpless. They might be in denial and doesn’t see the problem. You hate seeing your loved one go down this dark and dangerous path. You want them to get…

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Living Sober After Treatment

Everyone can recover from addiction, although their paths to becoming sober will not always be the same. It all starts with the need and desire for change, beginning with instilling the belief that you can overcome the disease. Recovery remains a lifelong process of improving your health, habits, and overall well-being. However, staying substance-free can…

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Meditation During Addiction Recovery

In 2011, there were over 20 million people who suffered from addiction. Of those 20 million, only 3 million people received proper treatment to overcome their addictive behaviors, that’s 15%. There is no doubt that that number has increased or at least stayed the same. It can be hard for someone to come to terms…

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Vitamin D and It’s Effects on Mental Health

Did you know that depression is an issue that over 18 million Americans deal with every year? That’s 1 out of every 10 people; that number is extremely high. According to statistics, this disorder takes more lives every year than homicide (41,000 annual deaths to suicide and 16,000 deaths to homicide). There are over 290…

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How Negative Attitudes Trigger Relapse

Looking for a breath of fresh air in your life? Yeah… I know, who isn’t? Even if you’ve perched yourself atop a mountain to feel gentle, clean, cool breezes it doesn’t mean that the toxicity of everyday life is gone. That’s because many of the harmful elements we experience come from other people. Negative attitudes…

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