Is Addiction a Disease?

Addiction is a serious issue that many people in the United States are dealing with, whether it be with themselves or a loved one. In the 1930s, doctors and medical professionals thought addiction was the result of amoral and deviant personalities but now recognize it as a disease. In their eyes, the people who became…

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Stem Cells Being Used For Addiction Treatment

You may have heard about stem cell research and how it can help heal the body from a number of diseases but can it be used for addiction treatment? Before we answer that, it’s important that you understand what stem cells are and what they can do to heal the human body. What are Stem…

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How Does Trauma Relate to Addiction?

Unaddressed trauma from the past is one of the biggest contributors to addiction. But how? Psychological trauma often happens to those who have significant damage to their psyche when a person has experienced a stressful event or situation. Trauma causes problems when the person needs to face the stress that is beyond their ability to…

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Dangers of Psychoactive Drugs

Among the many drugs used and abused today, those considered as psychoactive drugs are proven to be dangerous when consumed in high doses. Since each drug has different effects and potency levels, it can be addicting to the user and is proven to be dangerous after a period of long-term use. For these reasons, it…

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Increase in Hand Sanitizer Addiction as Coronavirus Threatens America

Please Don’t Drink the Hand Sanitizer! It’s mind blowing to think of someone deliberately drinking hand sanitizer to get an alcohol buzz / high. However, just as many teens drink cough syrup or inhale whip cream vapors from a can, or try Jenkem, or even alcohol soaked tampons, many have discovered hand sanitizers as the…

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How‌ ‌to‌ ‌Prepare‌ ‌for‌ ‌the‌ ‌Coronavirus‌ ‌

The Coronavirus or COVID-19 is perhaps one of the most alarming diseases to spread all over Asia, the Middle East, and Europe. With coronavirus now hitting the United States with 90 cases and 6 confirmed deaths, health experts have been warning people that the spread of this virus may be inevitable. This means that you…

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