Everything You Should Know About Schedule 1 Drugs

Drugs have a more profound impact on our bodies and mind than we can imagine. They can cause severe dependency and eventually addiction. However, they are classified into different categories depending on legalities and the risk we expose ourselves to when we use them. So one of the drug categorizations is Schedule 1 drugs.
Schedule 1 drugs are drugs that have a high potential for abuse. They have no medical treatment use, as declared by the United States Drug Enforcement Agency. The safety for use even under medical supervision is below the accepted standards.
Prescribing schedule 1 drugs are therefore outlawed. They not only cause severe physical damage but physiological as well. In a lot of cases, extreme dependence forms in users. It can expose a person to a high risk of substance dependency and addiction. A few examples of schedule 1 drugs are as follows: Heroin, Marijuana, LSD, Ecstasy, Magic Mushrooms.
Now, let’s talk about the direct impact of these schedule 1 drugs on our bodies:
Heroin: The vicious white powder that is abused for its euphoric impact on the body and mind is popularly known as Heroin. It is extracted from morphine alkaloid, found in opium. It can be snorted, injected, inhaled, or smoked.
It is an anti-anxiety and pain-relieving stimulant. Being highly addictive, it makes you entirely dependent and will most likely cause addiction. The drug is extremely potent, and an overdose can lead to death or severe repercussions on your mind and body. It is usually found in the form of brown or white powder and should be taken carefully to avoid any mishaps.
LSD: Lysergic acid diethylamide, or LSD, is also an extremely potent schedule 1 drug. Derived from a fungus that grows on rye and other grains, the dosage of this drug is in micrograms as it is one of the most potent schedule 1 drugs. It may stimulate different types of experiences, mostly – pleasurable and mind-altering. However, a ‘bad trip’ from an LSD dose can be unpleasant and make you uncomfortable.
The Drug Enforcement Agency in the US classifies it as an illegal drug, as it can be extremely dangerous. LSD is found in different forms, blotter paper: soaked onto small cut pieces of paper with colorful designs, thin squares of gelatin popularly known as windowpanes; liquid, and sugar cubes. The liquid form can be very potent and dangerous.
Marijuana: Marijuana or what is popularly known as pot or weed in the US, has been categorized as schedule 1 drug. However, there are constant debates as to the categorization being unfair. Marijuana is derived from the dried leaves of the cannabis plant. It is a crushed greenish-gray mixture that is often rolled into cigarettes and smoked.
With proven medical benefits and many medicinal properties, marijuana is used to rectify many problems like chronic pain, it is used in chemotherapy to help fight against vomiting and nausea. It is used in vaporizers for inhalation relief and pain relief.
Ecstasy: Ecstasy, or what is popularly known as MDMA, was used in American warfare tests years back. Years later, it was used as a stimulant to ‘lower inhibitions’. It comes in the form of a pill that may be colorful and lucrative looking, however, it may have harmful effects. It has hallucinogenic properties.
While MDMA is definitely dangerous, Ecstasy which is a slight variant of the drug may have heroin, cocaine, and various other drugs in it. Some of the physical repercussions of the drug may include – nausea, chills, sweating, high blood pressure, etc. The drug is used to rectify some physical and psychological issues like social anxiety, post-traumatic stress disorder in adults, and many more. However, the dosage of the same should be supervised and cannot be used in an irresponsible manner.
Peyote: The schedule 1 drug, peyote, which is derived from a spineless cactus, is also a highly hallucinogenic drug. The buttons on top of this cactus are plucked and chewed for intoxication. These buttons can also be diluted in water or consumed with other drugs. The buttons can also be crushed and used in powder form. They are oftentimes smoked with other drugs like Marijuana and tobacco.
Peyote helps people to detach from reality and induces visions etc. Peyote disrupts neurotransmitter transmissions to the brain, therefore altering mood, perceptions, and henceforth, reactions to things. This drug helps put the person in a calmer state of mind. However, the negatives of this drug may be hallucinations, panic attacks, paranoia, anxiety attacks, mood swings, spiritual experiences, euphoria, etc.
The drugs mentioned above are all categorized as schedule 1, however, while most of them induce some kind of pleasure, relaxation, and calmness in the initial stages, they can be addictive and even fatal. Most of them are party drugs and may be available loosely at social gatherings.
The Drug Enforcement Administration clearly categorizes all drugs in different schedules to better regulate their uses. This is done to regulate the use of fatal substances and control drug abuse. While some of them may have medicinal properties, they can cause serious harm and shouldn’t be taken by underage users or addicts. Please use responsibly and take care of your health.