Naltrexone Implants for Addiction Recovery Treatment

Naltrexone is one of the few drugs that can be incorporated into addiction recovery treatment programs to help those struggling with substance abuse to more easily overcome withdrawal symptoms. It has been instrumental in changing the lives of thousands of addicts for the better. Naltrexone tablets and injections are FDA-approved medications that reduce drug or…

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Naltrexone Implants for Addiction

Treatments for opiate addiction have certainly evolved over the years. Scientists have developed amazing ways to help people recover from substance abuse and regain control over their lives. One of the most popular drugs used in helping treat addiction is Naltrexone. This drug is an opioid antagonist that blocks the receptors from registering the effects…

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Increase in Hand Sanitizer Addiction as Coronavirus Threatens America

Please Don’t Drink the Hand Sanitizer! It’s mind blowing to think of someone deliberately drinking hand sanitizer to get an alcohol buzz / high. However, just as many teens drink cough syrup or inhale whip cream vapors from a can, or try Jenkem, or even alcohol soaked tampons, many have discovered hand sanitizers as the…

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Impact of Long-term Drug & Alcohol Abuse

Drug abuse not only impacts the individual but also its associates, relatives, employers and everyone else. This breaks the interactions between the user and those they need, rendering seeking assistance much harder for the consumer. Every behavior an individual does has an effect on them and their life. Repeated and persistent behavior, like substance abuse,…

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Long-Term Impacts of Alcohol Blackouts

When it comes to alcohol consumption, binge drinking to the point of blacking out has unfortunately become very common among both adults and teenagers. While many people describe a blackout as simply one ‘drinking too much’, what they fail to realize is that it can have serious impacts on their brain. Blackouts cause the brain to…

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Dangers of Long-term Alcohol Abuse

Alcohol is probably one of the easiest substances to get hold of and abuse. Because it is found in wine, beer, and spirits, it is an easy thing to abuse since it can simply be drunk. While a bottle of beer or a glass of wine may not hurt anyone, it starts to become alarming…

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Are Celebrities and Artists More Vulnerable to Substance Abuse?

To be at your creative best, you need to put in an extensive amount of physical and emotional input. The topic of Celebrity Addiction has come up more and more over the last few years, as many of the artists we know and love are suffering from it. The fact that the creative and/or entertainment…

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Trends in Drug and Alcohol Addiction

Drug and alcohol addiction is a widespread disease, affecting loved ones all over The United States. When a person experiences addiction, temporary and permanent changes can occur to the brain’s reward pathways. This can prove to be fatal. Below, we have outlined trends in drug and alcohol addiction. If you or someone you know is…

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Sources of Different Drugs

Where did drugs come from? The answer is both simple, and complex. Clearly, early man realized that certain compounds produced feelings of ecstacy, and bolstered energy. In fact, humans were never the only beings that sought out the opportunity for a little mind-bending, and actively used psychotropic drugs. Cats, for example, have used catnip since…

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The Weight of Alcoholism

Alcohol abuse and addiction is a public health crisis that has been ongoing for at least the last several centuries. Ancient civilizations in and around present-day India were the first to ferment grain into alcohol. Civilizations around the Mediterranean Sea are credited with brewing the world’s first beer. It was weak stuff, of course, and…

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