Understanding Drug Abuse: Addiction, Treatment, and Recovery

Drug abuse and addiction can be difficult to understand, especially if a loved one has been suffering. There are common misconceptions that surround drug abuse, making it a disease that is highly stigmatized. Through scientific research, more is known than ever before about the mental and physical effects this dangerous disease can pose. Drug addiction…

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Prenatal Cocaine Exposure

When a woman is in active addiction during her pregnancy, the drugs can significantly affect the baby. A mother’s health helps to mold that of her baby’s. These drugs reach the baby by traveling through the mother’s placenta. This exposure can lead to lifelong complications that can affect not only the mind but also the…

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Why Drugs Aren’t ‘Cool’

Millions of people every day suffer from drug abuse and addiction, making this a worldwide epidemic. Substance use and abuse can lead to addiction, overdose, and even death. Someone who is abusing drugs will experience negative social, mental, and physical effects. If you or someone you love is struggling with drug abuse, seek help today….

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How to Explain Alcoholism to a Child

There are millions of children that have alcoholic parents in the United States today. Often, children of those suffering from addiction could be feeling alone and isolated. They may feel like nobody could understand the pain they are going through. Children are all going through development processes that will help to shape them into adults….

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Are Celebrities and Artists More Vulnerable to Substance Abuse?

To be at your creative best, you need to put in an extensive amount of physical and emotional input. The topic of Celebrity Addiction has come up more and more over the last few years, as many of the artists we know and love are suffering from it. The fact that the creative and/or entertainment…

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Signs a Loved One is Suffering from Drug Abuse

Drug abuse can cause life-threatening conditions and can lead to addiction. Addiction is a chronic brain disease that affects millions across the United States. Addiction cannot be controlled by the individual and causes changes to every facet of that person’s life. This compulsivity and lack of control can have devastating consequences. If you suspect your…

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How Does Social Media Influence Alcohol Use?

Social media has a heavy influence on most people’s lives. Social media provides excellent tools for keeping in contact with loved ones and sharing tidbits from everyday life. However, there are some dangerous concerns surrounding social media. Besides false realities and bullying, the alcohol and drinking culture the United States is experiencing is being propelled…

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How Does Alcoholism Start?

Alcohol can affect everyone differently and anyone can become addicted to alcohol. However, it takes more than someone taking a sip of alcohol in order to become addicted. Someone who even only drinks socially may not experience addiction. Most people who become addicted to alcohol did not plan on it. That social drinker may begin…

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What to Do if an Alcoholic Refuses Help

When help is offered, most alcoholics will turn it down. When an alcoholic refuses to get help for their addiction, their loved ones can often feel helpless. They might be in denial and doesn’t see the problem. You hate seeing your loved one go down this dark and dangerous path. You want them to get…

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What to do if You Think Your Teen is on Drugs

Suspecting your teen is on drugs could be a scary time. It is also a time where you might have a few questions and not know what to do next. Before you approach your teen, there are a few things you should do. If your teen is in fact addicted to drugs, they will not…

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