Traits of an Addictive Personality

Someone who is worried about developing an addiction may be inclined to find traits of an addictive personality. Finding out these traits may allow the person to rid themselves of the title of being affected by a disease. However, they may just want to know what to keep in mind and what red flags there…

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The Weight of Alcoholism

Alcohol abuse and addiction is a public health crisis that has been ongoing for at least the last several centuries. Ancient civilizations in and around present-day India were the first to ferment grain into alcohol. Civilizations around the Mediterranean Sea are credited with brewing the world’s first beer. It was weak stuff, of course, and…

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Alcohol, Heart Disease, and Women

For ages, in our society, we’ve associated alcoholism with men. Similarly, we’ve considered heart disease to be a men’s problem. But in recent years, those stereotypes are changing. Progress All of the progress made by women advocates over the years have often focused on civic matters – the right to vote, for example, propelled the…

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Past Life Experiences and Their Role in Addiction

The connection between past life experiences and addiction can’t be argued. The reason an addiction is developed generally stems from an experience, physical or emotional. This is why it is essential that an addict confront their past, and acknowledge its role in their addiction as they progress with recovery. At an early age, we develop…

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How We Might Solve the Opioids Crisis

According to an interview, one of the things that Breaking Bad got right was the life of a drug dealer, and how life becomes a combination of addicting, and ultimately irresistible thrills – the thrill is real, but so is the danger. Despite this, millions of people all over the world participate in the manufacture…

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A Crash Course on Drug Abuse and Domestic Violence

Exact numbers are not clear, but whatever the number of incidences of domestic violence related to drugs, any domestic violence is bad. If you suspect that you’ve witnessed domestic violence, or if you’re experiencing domestic violence, call the police, especially if you see an incident – you might save someone’s life. Bear in mind, also,…

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Mental Health & Financial Abuse in Relationships: Here’s What You Should Know

Any form of abuse can lead to a poor mental state, wreaking havoc on a person’s cognitive clarity which has the potential to cause addiction. When it comes to domestic abuse, many people think that it involves either physical assault or verbal abuse. However, financial abuse is an important aspect that often goes unnoticed. In…

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Nation’s First Opioid Hotline Opens in AZ

The only way to overcome a crisis or danger is to get immediate help before the situation harms you in any manner. Drug addiction is indeed a crisis that the country is struggling with. As per the latest national survey, it is reported that 21.5 million Americans above the age of 12 are battling with…

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Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for Addiction

Founded by Dr. Aaron T. Beck in the 1960s, Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) is an evidence-based mental health counseling technique. In addition to treating several mental health issues, CBT is widely used in addiction treatment today. First Off, What is CBT? Cognitive Behavioral Therapy is a type of ‘talk therapy’ where the client is encouraged…

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Marijuana: What Parents Need to Know

Every parent worries about the health and well being of their children. As they grow older and step in the “experimental phase” of their lives, it’s only natural for parents to worry about their safety and the choices they make. If you are a parent of a teenager or a young adult, at some point…

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