How to Manage Withdrawal Amidst the Pandemic

As of today, a significant part of the nation is shut down amid demands for social distancing during the pandemic. This continued call for isolation is causing a number of recovering individuals with drug addiction to face long periods without vital support services for treatment and recuperation.  When deaths from drug overdose are ascending in…

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Yoga Therapy (For Addiction Recovery)

Addiction is a disease and it accounts for 5.3% of total deaths globally. Therefore, all recovery programs are specifically designed to deal with illnesses and disorders. Some time ago, we published a guide on holistic addiction treatment, which mentioned yoga therapy as one of the most effective recovery aids. Yoga teaches discipline. It allows you…

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How to Support Someone with Anxiety?

If you know someone who is struggling with anxiety, then you have probably felt the urge to help them even though you are unsure of where to start. It’s painful to see a loved one feeling weak and tired, and having no motivation to do things they once enjoyed. So if you are witnessing anxiety…

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How to Effectively Build & Design a Drug Treatment Facility for the Best Client Experience Ever!

How to effectively build & design a drug treatment facility Drug addiction treatment is more than strictly following the recommended state licensing regulations for addiction treatment program Arizona. Various factors come into play that can significantly influence the recovery process, and one of them is the design of the treatment center. It is, therefore, safe…

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Everything You Should Know About Schedule 1 Drugs

Drugs have a more profound impact on our bodies and mind than we can imagine. They can cause severe dependency and eventually addiction. However, they are classified into different categories depending on legalities and the risk we expose ourselves to when we use them. So one of the drug categorizations is Schedule 1 drugs. Schedule…

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Everything You Need to Know About Schedule II Drugs

After the Vietnam War in the 60s, using drugs for recreational purposes became a major hit for many Americans. President Lyndon Johnson and President Richard Nixon declared a War on Drugs in 1960 and 1970, respectively. To take measures against narcotics and drug addiction, the Controlled Substances Act (CSA) came into action as a part…

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6 Countries With The Worst Drug Problems

The United States is believed to be home to the world’s worst drug problems. Although this is a known fact, other countries also experience high rates of drug addiction and abuse. To make things worse, not a lot of these countries offer solutions and if there is any, addicts often do not get the treatment…

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All About Schedule IV Drugs

The United States mandated the Controlled Substance Acts or CSA as a drug policy, under which the manufacture, use, possession, importation, and distribution of substances are regulated. Under the said Act, it is stated that all substances that are regulated in some way under federal law must be put into five schedules. These substances can…

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What is Gray Death?

It is a known fact that drug users and manufacturers mix different kinds of drugs in order to achieve a more potent drug to use or sell. One of these mixed drugs is what many call the “gray death”. What is it made of? How does it affect your body? If you are looking for…

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Demographics Vulnerable To Addiction

Anybody can develop an addiction regardless of who they are, their race, social status, beliefs, or gender. However, it can be difficult to digest as to why some demographics are more prone to it than others and despite having morals or being raised in a good family, there are plenty of factors that could increase…

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